Terms and Conditions

Fluent Email

  1. Definitions

      We offer Dealers the opportunity to have e mail facilities linked to their digital account. The service is provided by a 3rd party company called Fluent who maintain and operate the e mail accounts. This service is only available to customers purchasing an Auto Trader Dealer Website Package.
  2. Creation of Email Accounts

      To create or set up your e mail account you will need to set up an email address that you wish to use e.g. Sales@Joescars.com. You can only use letters, numbers, periods (.), hyphens (-), or underscores (_).

      Email accounts are created based on the domain being active on our servers and being associated to an active digital contract. These accounts are created at request of the digital account holder(s) and all associated security settings and content are the sole responsibility of the user.

  3. Email Security

      Access to your e mail account gives visibility of your e mails. It is your responsibility to ensure that you set up your Fluent account with a secure password and that you do not share this password with anyone. You must adhere to minimum password strength settings by using a combination of letters and numbers to prevent people from guessing your password and gaining access to your account.
  4. Email Client (Pop3) Access

      3rd party access to Fluent email accounts settings can be provided at request however any loss of data due to 3rd party interaction will not be the responsibility of Auto Trader Limited.
  5. Email Removal

      Removal of email accounts are at the request of the digital account holder, once this is completed any associated emails / data will be removed and is no longer available.
  6. Account Cancellations

      We reserve the right to suspend accounts that have been inactive for a period of 3 months. If the account remains inactive for a further 3 months and you have not contacted Auto Trader, the account will be deleted.

      If you are no longer subscribing to an Auto Trader Digital package any email accounts associated are removed and any stored information deleted from email systems, any emails sent to any previous addresses would not be able to be recovered after this time.

      If an account is reactivated after a cancellation has been completed any previous email setting / accounts details will have to be re-provided, so that a new email account can be created.

      Please note this service is provided by a 3rd Party and Auto Trader Limited do not have access to passwords or e mails in the account.